Forecastica Donation Information

Thank you for showing interest in keeping Forecastica going!

It costs considerable time and money to keep the free version of Forecastica Lite updated. We must maintain closely 200,000 stocks covering 92 of the most well known stock exchanges in the world! In addition, we often introduce new features and enhancements based on your feedack. But we believe firmly that traders and developers should have access to Forecastica the most advanced stock analysis platform in the world.

Unfortunately, the costs for providing this pprogram/service are rising rapidly as it gains more popularity. Simply put: we need money to pay the bills.

If you use the Forecastica platform and are happy with it, we'd love if you would consider donating. Donations help keep the updates coming, pay for bandwidth, and help pay for the time spent maintaining and improving the software.

Donations are entirely voluntary.

But every donation is greatly appreciated.

Note: PayPal Donations are free-will donations, and receive only our gratitude.

Donate using Credit Card or PayPal Please consider donating - and thank you!

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The material provided by the Forecastica application is for general informational purposes only. No information generated by this App is intended as investment, tax, accounting or legal advice,as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy securities, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. The information given by this App should not be relied upon for purposes of buying, selling or holding securities or other investments. Forecastica does not assess or guarantee the suitability or profitability of any particular investment or mix of investments. Before making any investment, you should consult with a qualified financial advisor to assist you in developing a personalized financial plan.